The Geneva College Community Standards are based on Biblical principles, prudential policies, preferred operational procedures, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. They are intended to promote both a healthy community and the personal character development of community members. Students are therefore expected to be aware of and abide by the Geneva College Community Standards which can be found in the Student Handbook.
Although the need for accountability is a consistent theme throughout Scripture, much of the College′s philosophy on accountability is founded on the book of Hebrews, chapter 12. The following four goals have been established to guide Student Development in its oversight of the judicial process:
To educate students about the need for community standards and their responsibility to abide by these standards.
To cause change in the student′s behavior in order to help the student develop a solid character.
To diligently use the Student Conduct process as an opportunity to witness and minister to an offending student in hopes that the student will be reconciled to God.
To intentionally work with the accused student(s) and the respondent(s) to bring about reconciliation and restored acceptance.
In summary, we want this to be an educational, loving and redemptive process. We also don′t want a student to be so afraid of potential consequences for their decisions that they shy away from seeking help. That is why we have implemented an amnesty program where a students who might be dealing with a difficult issue can self-report Student Conduct issues and go through a separate, much more private and restorative Student Conduct process.